Master of Science in Equine Science (MSE)

的 Mari Hulman School of 马的研究 at SMWC offers the only Master of Science in Equine Science in the state of Indiana. With a concentration in equine instruction/coaching and equine science, our graduate curriculum combines equine studies with leadership. 的 program focuses on small class sizes and practical instruction to offer valuable experiences through hands-on learning and emerging industry technology. 它还结合了马科学, animal science and general agriculture for a well-rounded base of industry knowledge.

This program is designed to be completed in two years or three to five years as a part-time student. It is meant to cultivate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, in order to foster a commitment to improving the welfare of both horses and their human counterparts. We equip our students with the leadership skills necessary to make a lasting and positive impact on the world of equine endeavors. This program also offers limited assistantships in areas such as equine coaching and farm management.


  • 马术训练和指导
  • 马科学论文
  • 马科学非论文


  • Baccalaureate degree with official transcripts
  • 完成申请:立即申请
  • 推荐信
  • 当前的简历
  • 个人职业陈述


Equine science is an in-depth study of all aspects of horses, 包括护理, 营养, 行为与管理. 研究ing equine sciences allows for the opportunity to pursue careers in the equine industry by helping gain the necessary knowledge of the many varied horse functions and how they relate to scientific principles.

Why get a master’s degree in equine science?
的 horse industry in the US contributes $122 billion annually to the US economy all while employing 1.7400万人. 的 Indiana Horse Racing industry is estimated to be $2 billion annually. 的 strength and growth of the horse industry nationally and within Indiana will provide multiple opportunities for graduates, especially with the majority of equine positions being managerial of some type. Earning this degree will provide you with a competitive edge to securing many of these jobs and the ability to diversify into the growing field of Agri-biotechnical employment opportunities regionally and nationwide.

What can you do with a master’s degree in equine science?
This degree offers a wide variety of paths after graduation. Some students choose to continue further their education and get accepted into a variety of agricultural, 动物科学或马科学博士.D. 项目. 否则, there are plenty of opportunities to join the workforce in an industry that is currently in need of more employees. 看看这些职业:

  • 马教练/导师
  • 饲养管理
  • 农场经理
  • 赛马场经理
  • 农业综合企业经理
  • 研究专家

What is the average annual salary of someone with an equine science master’s degree?
当你看起薪时, keep in mind that the cost of living and opportunities to move with a career or industry sector should also factor into your decision. 的re are also many different careers someone with this degree could have, 但是根据ZipRecruiter的说法.com, the average annual salary for someone in equine management is $115,406 一年.

What support and resources are provided at SMWC?
学习资源中心 (LRC) provides exceptional, personalized learning resource services to encourage student success. 的 LRC offers help with a range of academic support services, 包括一个写作中心, 辅导, 大学成功课程等等.

圣玛丽森林学院 is routinely ranked by US 新闻 and 世界报道 among the Best Regional Universities in the Midwest and the 最具价值学校. Our departments are also routinely ranked for their individual degree 项目.
